
Droppin' Bombs, Like a Boss!

Hey guys, Dex here. What have you wonderful ladies and gentlemen been up to? I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween. I, personally, actually didn't do much this year because I have been swamped with so many other things that I couldn't really enjoy the holiday for what it is. However, I did spend some time with some good close friends at a Halloween get together the day prior to Halloween, and one of my friends came in the most epic costume. It wasn't a requirement to be dressed, but our friend here walked through the front door like a boss. Why tell you about it, when I can just show you?

Anyway folks, I'm still swamped with so many things to do, so I'm going to have to cut it short today. In the meantime, I'll leave you off with a little treat compliments of Ashlea and Godsgirls. To see even more epic shots of our beloved Ashlea, be sure to sign up for Godsgirls!