this one's for the ones that keep asking about my tattoos:
702. first tattoo. on my left hand. originally just an outline in dark blue, but later light blue and white dots were added by another artist. a star is a light in the darkness. i got it to symbolize the struggles i was going through at the time.. and it was my reminder to push on. later on, a friend i've known since second grade got the same thing, but in pink.
702. second. on my hip [right side]. i got this after i met my biological father for the first time. his first loves are motorcycles and guitars. one of his spare rooms had a bunch of iron crosses, but his favorite was a red one from a friend of his in a high-profile biker gang. i got this tattoo symbolizing my father, in hopes we would grow closer. jokes on me. that was the first and last time i saw him.
702. hot pink on the lower right side of my back. i took a set of earrings my little brother got for me as a gift and told the artist i wanted the exact design done. my friend that was with me got the same thing in the same spot.
702. on the bottom of my left forearm. it is not filled in for a reason. empty love. reason: too personal to make public.
(first) ROSE:
702. a bit bigger than a quarter in the same spot as the heart, just on my right arm. my partner in crime at the time and i went to a shop late one night and got matching tattoos. then, on my 23rd birthday, someone stole my green ipod at one of my parties. he gave me his itouch right then and there. true friend. always lookin out, even if our visits are far and few in between.
702. top tattoo on my left arm. bull symbolizes a taurus, as my birthday is 4/28. before being born again, i was a horoscope whore, and everything that could ever describe a taurus was exactly me. the script was from someone that told me to stay true to myself forever and always. that was my tattoo for him. later, he got a tattoo of a jolly roger on his leg for me. i never saw it because before that.. i broke his heart. i pray for your happiness. forever and always.
702. a blue rose on my right wrist is actually a cover-up. originally, the name and symbol of a street bike crew i was associated with was branded on me. you can still see it, but ya gotta look hard to make everything out.
702. above the heart on my left arm. she was the first person i genuinely loved besides my grandmother and my little brother. she was my best friend. we spent every moment together. we were supposed to go to dumont one weekend together.. she would drive there, i would drive back. at the very last minute, i canceled.. and it wasn't until the day after it happened that i learned she was in an accident on the way home. survival guilt. i killed my best friend. she was my everything. 01.28.88-10.27.07
702. all up my right arm. ever since i could remember, i have always had horrible skin problems. my skin breaks out if there is the slightest hint of perfume in a lotion, or even if i switch fabric softeners. when i was younger, i had blotchy skin. i grew up with numerous rose bushes in front of my house, and to me, they were the most beautiful thing. i've always hated my skin. hiding under the roses makes me feel comfortable.
702. lower left stomach. "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
503. under the bull on my left arm. obsessed with day of the dead art, i told the artist what i wanted and the style in which i wanted it, but that was not his style. he sketched this up and i was his first of this kind of work. thank you, anatomy tattoo [portland, oregon] <3
702. left wrist. birthday is in april.
702. inner right calf. i was originally going to get an ice cream cone because once upon a time, 'ice cream' was code word for 'i love you'. this was between me and someone that changed me. one day on myspace, an artist posted a bulletin of the things he wanted to tattoo. among them was a cheeseburger and a strawberry shortcake ice cream. i decided that was going to be the ice cream i was gonna get for that person. the next day, i was in that tattoo chair =]
702. outer left calf. my ex, who was an artist, found this design in a book. it drew him in artistically, and it drew me in metaphorically. my reason is something only my husband knows. not even my ex had a clue what it meant. meaning: too personal to put on blast. fun little fact: i laid on my kitchen table at the time and watched nightmare before christmas while he was carvin.
714. outer left ankle. two of my obsessions. hello kitty.. and gas maskssss<3 when i was visiting my hometown, i decided i needed a tattoo. i walk in, told em what i wanted, and the only reference was my necklace of the outline of hello kitty's face.
702. inner left ankle. it's cute and i'm kind of a badass.
702. left forearm. this is for my brother in Christ, my brother in life, and my brother bear. the anchor symbolizes the fact that he is always keepin me grounded, no matter what happens in life. he has never left my side, and never will. later, he got a tattoo on his ribs/stomach of a skull with diamonds for eyes and my favorite flowers. his tattoo for me is better than mine for him =[
702. across my chest. this is my best friend, the only person i have fell absolutely head over heels in love with. my best friend, my brother in Christ, and my brother bear. i thought about getting his bear name, but his first and middle means much more to me. he is my life and on july 28, 2010, we made it official. TTWP<3
702. right thigh. this portrait was my favorite picture of my grandmother. i got it after she passed away 12/9/10. unfortunately, i got a 2nd degree burn from the tattoo, and was the most painful healing processes ive ever endured. the whole portrait is scarred and raised, and i won't be able to have it touched up for a couple years. shout out to future artists: my body cannot tolerate being tattooed for more than a few hours.
i have a total of 33 [34, if you include the one that's covered up] tattoos with about 30 hours of work done.