tuesday evening. just felt like writing. about nothing. hooray.
this weekend, my wifey, amy, and her lovely girlfriend, melissa, will be coming down from cali. i'm so excited to see them! on saturday we are shooting with dydasco photography [dydascophotography.com] so i'm sure next week we'll be flooding teh interwebz with loads of pictures =]
we're also headed out to a few clubs.. first and foremost.. FREE ZONE! love that place. and, of course, the foundation room. shits gonna be epic.
couple things happened this week that made me extremely happy. the one that i am going to mention has been one of the very many things i was still holding onto out of anger:
my 'pretend boyfriend' was in an accident and passed away 2/22/08. he was amazing and his talent was incredible. all of it could have been avoided if he were wearing his helmet and if he hadn't been drinking. alcohol and toys DO NOT mix. when i found out, obviously i was in shock and extremely upset, but mostly i was angry. i was so mad at him. and finally, three years later, i have found peace over it. him and my brother were the first ones to hold me after i found out that my best friend had passed after being in an accident in her car that i was supposed to be driving. he reminded me that it wasn't my fault and it wasn't my time. a couple months later i did something extremely impulsive, and it lasted years. he was the only one to come out and tell me how stupid i was after making one of my biggest mistakes in my life. he was real. he was caring. he was fun. and he was always the person everyone wished they were. the one thing i do regret was the last phone call we had.. he said 'loooove youuuu' and i giggled and said bye. ever since then, before i hang up the phone i remind whoever it is that i care for them because you never know if it's gonna be the last phone call you had.
".. and tell all the ones you love everything about them that you feel."
you touched the lives of many, and i know you're shaking things up a bit in heaven =]
David "ET" Lee Morgan
DAVID MORGAN David Lee Morgan (E.T.), 21, of Las Vegas, passed away Feb. 22, 2008. He was a native of Las Vegas, born Aug. 19, 1986. He graduated from Sierra Vista High School in 2005. He started working with his dad at age seven on his first cross-country trucking business. He was a part owner and manager of Aabacus Industrial Park. He just helped his father supervise building four commercial warehouses. He loved welding and working with metal and wanted to go to fabrications school. He loved working on dirt bikes and ATV's. He dedicated his life towards dirt bikes. It was amazing the things he did with them. Everyone knows that he was one talented man and we are all so proud of him. He valued friendship and family. He was so friendly that everyone he came in contact with loved him. He touched many lives in the community and it is apparent by how many people came to his candlelight vigil, well over 400 people. He was never mean to anyone. He took homeless kids off the street when they had no place to live. Whoever needed help he always lent a hand; money, place to stay, food to eat, or just someone to talk to. He had so many friends that we couldn't name them all. One of his closest family friends is Phil Boggs of Pahrump. His surviving family is father, David; mother, Diana; sisters, Pamela, Angel, Alicia and Lea; brothers-in-law, Pete and Mark; cousins, Sable, Aubri, Stephen, Kyle, Mariah, Lauren, Mark, Brett, Ruth Marie, Dave Lee Morgan of Silver Springs, Md., aunts, Pauline Morgan and Cindy; and uncle, Jack Morgan. David gave so much of himself to others during his short life here. He didn't stop giving even when he left us Feb. 22. Sunday, Feb. 23, five people, strangers to David, were given the gift of life, by receiving his organs. I was proud of the man my son was becoming, and loved him dearly with all my heart, Dad. "ET Phone Home."
God bless <3