I'm Ashley. I have a collection of nicknames and a reputation you've probably heard all about. I am truly blessed to be married to my best friend and my brother in Christ. We live a happy life and look forward to spawning minions of our own one day. For now, our two kittens, Willow and Link, and our puppy, Sasha, are just fine. I wish I could say I love my job, but until I find the right one I won't lie to you. I feel blessed knowing that the ones I have helped are now helping others. Every time I close my eyes, I see sudoku. Almost every moment of everyday I am thirsting for the Bible. I have been reading the Left Behind series, and although its characters are fictional, I feel it has been helping me grow as a person and in my faith. As a former atheist I am still keen on the idea of church, but after I attend I seem to slowly break away from my stubborn ways. I like to bake, but don't indulge myself on the finished goods. I enjoy cooking, but to my preferred taste. I have a handful of reliable and trustworthy friends, and have forgiven those who have crossed me or continue to do so. For the first time since middle school I can say with confidence I am drug-free. I lost the two woman I have truly loved and respected, and in their honor I have been slowly, but surely turning my life around with the help of my husband and Christ Jesus. I cannot function without music and have a song or two for those I love. My hair won't stay the same color, length, or style for more than a few weeks. I'll probably go bald before you know it, but thank goodness for wigs, right? I can be sarcastic, but still fear crossing the line. I like to dance, but I'm not that good. I wake up every morning, grateful for another day on borrowed time, and go to bed every night thanking Him for all He has done for me.
Life on earth couldn't be better, and I look forward to the day of entering His Glorious Kingdom, and being reunited with my mother and sister in Christ once again.