Saturday night:
The start of early labor. In denial about entering this stage, since I was only 38 weeks along, I didn't think much of it. I called the midwife after something changed in my body and strong contractions began happening every ten minutes. Again, didn't think much of it because I had been experiencing strong contractions and frequent Braxton Hicks for a few weeks.
Third day in a row I had the sudden urge to clean. And not just a normal clean, but scrubbing things down and organizing till about two in the morning. We also went to the grocery store, which made me happy because I felt the need to shop for last minute baby items. Contractions were now 7-9 minutes apart. Again, still in denial. Store clerk sarcastically asked when I was due, then followed with an answer of 'yesterday' making me feel super fat, but I digress.
Stronger contractions. Still thinking it was false labor I went about the day till I could no longer ignore the pain. We set up the nursery for our water birth, prepped the bedroom, and made sure the bath tub was super clean. Contractions were now 5-6 minutes apart. I had my mother come over to make some homemade lasagna. Still enjoying the leftovers.
Tuesday morning:
After midnight the contractions became close. By 3 am we had the midwives arrive and the contractions were now 3 minutes apart. After getting into the birth tub they slowed down, making me believe this was still false labor and I had called the midwives in the middle of the night for no reason. In my mind there was no way this could be it- my 39 week mark wasn't until Wednesday! It wasn't until a couple hours before delivering that I actually believed he was going to be here.
After sixty hours of labor with no interventions whatsoever, I naturally gave birth to our son in our bed at 9:59am. He is so handsome! He weighed in at 8 lbs 6 oz and 19.5 inches long. The midwives also let us know he was actually full term so my whole pregnancy I was a couple weeks longer than we had originally thought :)
I'm supposed to be resting, but all I want to do is hold and look at my wonderful son.
This is easily the greatest day of my life!!