
this or that?

eleven prescriptions.
most of which are supposed to be taken daily.
when i serve myself this cocktail,
i can't even answer the simplest of questions,
like 'what's your name?'
the rest are taken as needed.
if i mix a certain two together,
or mix another pair,
i can go 'into cardiac arrest',
says my physician who has never looked up from her clipboard when in the same room.
my psychiatrist failed to look at all the medication i listed,
and prescribed me a mix that could have ended in tragedy.

still with all these prescriptions, i had more headaches, severe stomach pains, more bloody noses, couldn't sleep through the night, confusion, gotten severely depressed, and have had massive panic attacks, all of which were SUPPOSED to be taken care of through the medication itself.

so back to square one.

the ONLY side effect:
i get hungry.

uhhhh yeah. I'LL TAKE IT.

done giving into the pharmaceutical bull shit.

and please don't give me the 'it's illegal/it's a gateway drug' talk.
do you even know why it became illegal in the first place?
was it for your health?
paper companies. greed. money. all bull crap.

but i digress.

it's not for everyone. this i know.
but don't knock on my lifestyle when i could be dead from the hands of three 'professionals'.
i know what my body likes and doesn't.
