
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Fundraiser

my childhood friend, erika, messaged me about something she is doing. please take a moment & support her! GOD BLESS<3

As you may know, I began training for the NYC Half Marathon about a month ago. I have never been much of an athlete, but running for a cause has added an incredible layer of motivation to my training. I know if I stay positive, I will cross that finish line come March. While no one can help me become a faster or stronger runner, there is one way that you can help me stay motivated and reach my $2,000 fundraising goal. You can join the amazing group of friends, clients and family members who have helped me raise $1,600 dollars in the past 6 weeks. Every donation is not only tax deductible, but will help strengthen patient services, education, advocacy and community service for those battling blood cancers. But most importantly it will bring us one step closer to a cure.

Please, take a moment and visit my donation website. Not only will your donation help change someone's life, but you'll feel pretty great yourself.


Thanks for your support and here's to a great 2011!